Now on to other stories...
On Wednesday, after we all got adjusted at the chiropractor, I took Noah to get his hair cut. As much as I love him to be shaggy, he needed shorter hair for the summer, and I think they did a really nice job on it. He looks so different now!
On Thursday we had several doctor's appointments to go to. In the morning I took Juliana up to the cardiologist. Our wonderful neighbor, Pam, watched Noah for us and put him down for a nap. Ryan met me there. Juliana did not like the stethoscope at all. Any time the doctor put it on her chest, she began to scream. It was diva-ish behavior. I told her, jokingly, that we are only tolerating it because she's a small baby, once she gets older, we will not tolerate that type of behavior. The cardiologist laughed. He was nice and left the room 3 times so we could get her calmed down, because if you've heard Juliana scream, you know that you cannot hear anything over that! The doctor gave us some good news in that he thinks her smallest hole is closing- which is a huge relief to us!
Thursday afternoon we went to the pediatrician for a well-baby checkup and to get her belly button checked. Noah was really good and got to hold the expensive doctor equipment when Dr. Russell came in the room, plus he got a bunch of Thomas stickers from the nurse. Juliana is up to 9 lbs 2.4 ounces, which puts her in the 14th percentile for weight. She doesn't look like she's 9 lbs, but once he told me her head was in the 72nd percentile, I figured out where all the weight it. Lengthwise, she's in the 3rd percentile. Guess she's not going to be very tall, but then again, neither are Ryan and I.
And finally, yesterday I was able to drag out the kiddie pool so that Noah could play in it with Daddy. After almost an hour in it, Daddy made Noah come inside, because even though he was wearing sunscreen, Noah's nose was starting to turn a little pink.