Sunday, June 7, 2009

Busy Saturday...

Yesterday there was a kids fair at the school down the road from us. They had sent us a flier with all sorts of cool stuff that we were sure Noah would be into. Unfortunately, we were sadly wrong. When we got there there were 2 fire trucks. Noah insisted on being carried by me, while Ryan pushed the stroller with the crying Juliana in it. A fireman asked Noah if he wanted to go inside the truck, Noah said No. He asked if Noah wanted to wear the helmet, Noah said No. So we moved onto the next activity. Noah lit up as soon as he saw the balloon animal guy. So, I got into the very long line with him while we waited for our turn to pick the balloon. I had him make Noah a sword, and Noah carried it around proudly as he hit me in the head with it. They had 4 therapy dogs there for the kids to meet, and Ryan took Noah back to pet them, but Noah was too afraid to do it- which was surprising since we have dogs at home.

It was very crowded, and if you know me at all, you know that I don't do crowds. So, we packed up and took the screaming Juliana and Noah to the toddler park. While I held Juliana (who fell asleep as soon as I got her out of her car seat), Noah and Ryan played in the big kid part of the park instead of the toddler park. Ryan showed Noah all sorts of different ways to climb the ladders. Noah was a fearless daredevil.

After that we went and got Noah McDonald's for lunch. When we got home, Noah ate it like he had never eaten food before, which was nice to see him eat. Then, Noah took a 3 hour nap. After he woke up, he played outside with Ryan. After dinner, he chased Finchy around with his balloon, and Finchy took it in stride, slowing down so Noah could get close to him, and then speeding up when Noah got too close. It was funny. He did this for at least 45 minutes, and then he went outside again with Daddy to blow bubbles, and then he went to bed.

I think it was a pretty good day.


  1. Some of us just do not like crowds, I think you, your sister and Noah have inherited my crowd hysteria...would have loved to see him at the big boy park...and held Ladybug...Love MOM

  2. Sounds like a mostly fun day :) I'm surprised you didn't get a sword too...
