Monday, December 17, 2012

A Letter To My Son...

Dear Noah,

You don't know this, but on Friday, December 14th, evil happened in our world again.  A man entered an elementary school full of innocent children and teachers and took away their innocence in a blink of an eye.  26 innocent people died that day.  20 of them children, ages 6 & 7.  When I heard the news, all I wanted to do was to get you and Juliana and hug both of you so very hard.

Later that afternoon, we went to pick you up from school.  When the bell rang, only 4 Kindergartners walked out.  I and some other parents started to look around.  Juli asked, "Where Noah?"  The next bell rang.  The 1st graders came out.  Still you didn't come out.  The next bell rang.  The 2nd graders came out.  Myself and some parents crept towards the door, my heart beat a little faster.  I knew you were there somewhere, but I NEEDED to see you.  A teacher asked, "Who are you waiting for?"  We said, "Kindergarten."  She said, "They already came out."  I said, "Not all of them."  She gave me a strange look and said she would go in and check.  She came back out with a boy from your class- his grandma was so relieved.  "Where's my son?" I asked.  "Where's Noah?"  "What kind of coat is he wearing?"  She asked.  I told her.  She went back in and came back with you.  Your class had a sub on Friday and you guys had gotten separated from the Kindergarten walker line.  You were waiting for an adult to come back and find you.  I hugged you so hard that you asked, "Mom, why are you hugging me so hard?"  I said, "Buddy, you have no idea what happened today.  Let's go home."

Today, one of the little boys who was killed will be laid to rest.  He shared your name: Noah.  He was 6 years old.

Noah, I want you and Juli to know that I love you so very much, and your Daddy and I will always do our best to keep you safe.



Sunday, December 9, 2012

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!!!!

On this day, 40 years ago, my parents said, "I do."

And they are still in love today :-)
Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad!
(And yes, Mom, I stole these pictures from you- ha ha)