Saturday, January 15, 2011

January 15, 2004...

The first few years after my brain injury robbed me of the ability to make memories.  However, there are certain dates and events that I made sure I would remember.  This one is too important and too meaningful to forget.

My sister, Jaime, is my best friend.  She is super-mom to my beautiful neice (and my mini-me) Rori Rose, my wild-haired nephew Liam (and Noah's special wrestling buddy), and my chubba-bubba nephew Brendan (Juliana's favorite boy to bully). 

Before Rori, Liam, and Brendan, there was Faith.  Faith was born at 19 1/2 weeks into Jesus' arms, where she is healthy and free of pain.  I remember the day like it was yesterday, and the pain that went with it.  At the time, I didn't know how any of us would move on, but even though there are still holes in all of our hearts, we know that one day we will see her again.

The other day one of my co-workers caught a glimpse of one of my tattoo's and asked me about it.  I explained that the symbol meant Faith, for my niece who is waiting for us in Heaven, and then explained how the Bible verse underneath it (Psalm 139:16) gave me peace.

Happy Birthday, Faith!  We all look forward to the day when we are all together again!


  1. So very sad. I am sorry for your loss but glad you find a way to end this post on a positive note!
